I'd been building up to this day for literally six months, as we waited for our second daughter to be born. Leaving the 9-5 in order to leap into the world of full time freelancing and being a stay-at-home dad. Ultimately, it ended up being rather anticlimactic as the day ended pretty much like any other. There were the usual "Keep in touches", of course...maybe it was because it was something that we'd all been moving toward for so long, that it was just another part of the day. So, this is the beginning of our adventure. :)
A couple of quick housekeeping notes while I've got you here. A couple of months ago, I decided to build a new website in order to consolidate our online presence into one place. I've nearly got all the blog posts from Penny Candy and Shady Characters, Handmade Family, and Life With Girls migrated over to the new space and most of the rest is at least built if not fully fleshed out. Sometime in the month of December, the LifeWithGirls.com address will start redirecting there. I'm really excited about this change, and hope you all like it too. If you'd like to get a jump on the change, you can check it out at www.LifeWithGirls.net

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